Do you have any suggestions for features i could run in my news article? These could be questions to cover, a type of emote to shed light on or even just a random word i can find emotes relating to create a feature about
133 votes
Yes i will suggest a topic to cover (e.g FAQs, how do i do ...)
Yes i will suggest a type of emotes to feature (e.g packs, tards)
Yes i'll suggest a series of features to run (e.g colours, old emotes)
Yes i'll suggest a one off feature (e.g llamas, fella, balloons)
Yes i'll suggest something else
No :icongrumpplz:

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Synfull's avatar
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Aurawra's avatar
Hmm... here is an idea, Karen:

:bulletblue: Featuring different emoticonist's OCs and providing a little feature on how a specific emoticonist acquired his/her OC.
There is a little custom box on `CookiemagiK's page featuring a lot of emote OCs.

Wouldn't it be interesting to hear how they came about/stuck? :giggle:

~ Laura Mei